V.N. Livshits , E.R. Orlova, T.I. Tischenko, М.N. Myznikova The translated model of Russian economy development |
The experience of Russia’s transition in the 1990s to a market economy based on the liberal model has clearly demonstrated the viciousness of uncontrolled development on the basis of the notorious “market will regulate everything” thesis. Today it is absolutely clear that the liberal-monitarian model of economic development has proved unsuitable for Russia, and in the developed countries of the world it has largely exhausted itself. It is more and more evident that it is impossible to move to an effective development by the chosen path, because all the reforms and measures of the authorities will not improve the structure of the economy and the quality of development, GDP growth rates are declining from year to year. We need a new economic philosophy of development, based on a combination of methods of cooperation and competition. We consider it necessary to replace the failed neoliberal model of economy for Russia with the model of managed mixed economy.
economic system, competition, cooperation, management
PP. 3-10. DOI: 10.14357/20790279210301 References
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