D.M. Galin, I.V. Sumarokova Using dynamic macromodel of Russia for forecasting development of its economy |
The methodology and process of forming dynamic macromodel of Russia are described in the article. Long-term forecasting indicators of its economy is executed with using this macromodel. Results of such forecasting for the prospect until 2025 year by two scenarios are presented. Comparison of results, received on forecasting development of economy of Russia with using ordinary and dynamic macromodels, is executed.
models of variables, dynamic macromodel, endogenous and exogenous variables, forecasting for prospect, combination of regression equations, system of ordinary models of an endogenous variable, models of dependencies of coefficients of equations on time, estimate of quality of forecast, dynamics of an indicator.
PP. 11-23.
DOI: 10.14357/20790279210302 References
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