Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
Applied aspects in informatics
I.M. Shigabeev, James Rodriguez, N.Yu. Chernykh DogPose – dog pose classification
Risk management and safety
I.M. Shigabeev, James Rodriguez, N.Yu. Chernykh DogPose – dog pose classification

In this work, we present a dataset for a pose classification of dogs as well as a sample pipeline for employing this dataset into an AI-powered application that tracks dog activity throughout the day, giving its user information on whether his dogs sleep all day or it stays active even while the dog owner is not home. This application is essential for dog owners to spot the trends of increasing dog passivity.

Ключевые слова: 

Computer vision, Pose Estimation, Image Classification, Internet of things, Semisupervised dataset generation, Data Collection, Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition.

PP. 53-56.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279210306

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