Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
Applied aspects in informatics
Risk management and safety
I.V. Naydenov, A.S. Malin, A.L. Markevich Issues of rating the economic safety of the region on the example of the Kaliningrad region
I.V. Naydenov, A.S. Malin, A.L. Markevich Issues of rating the economic safety of the region on the example of the Kaliningrad region

This article focuses on the analysis of the assessment of the economic security of particular regions of Russia using Kaliningrad region, which has a number of peculiar features due to its geographical and territorial location, as an example. For the Kaliningrad region, topical are the issues of the state of population, standard of living, demographic processes, migration patterns within the region. The authors performed a review of a series of expert assessments from many information resources aimed at assessing the rating of regions taking into
account various social and economic indicators. The analysis showed a slight increase in the values of the main indicators of the economic security of the region (GRP, industrial output, agricultural production) and the level below the average values of indicators in the country such as labor productivity, capital/labor ratio of enterprises, the share of new types of products in the volume of output, the level of average wages. In the opinion of authors of the article, despite the fact that the economic development of the region is not characterized by permanent growth, the implementation of the project for the development of a special economic zone will increase the investment attractiveness of the region, whereas the improvement of economic and legal regulation of certain aspects of economic security will make it possible to bring the Kaliningrad region to the leading group among Russian regions in terms of attractiveness and living standards.


economic security of the region, factors of economic security, security of the economic system, rating assessments, economic and legal regulation.

PP. 72-83.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279210308

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