Systemic regulation of national and regional economy
General systems theory
Ya.V. Shokin Evolution of economic behavior theories: from Aristotle to neuroeconomics
Information Technology
Optimization, identification, the theory of games
System analysis in medicine and biology
Ya.V. Shokin Evolution of economic behavior theories: from Aristotle to neuroeconomics

The article is devoted to the review of the evolution of theories of economic behavior from the teachings of the Ancient world to the present day. The main task of the research is to rethink the currently available most consistent theories and concepts of economic behavior in the light of the current problems of the modern world, primarily related to the processes of digitalization of society. A look at this problem at the intersection of neoclassical and behavioral paradigms is proposed, with the aim of mutually eliminating their shortcomings: insufficient descriptive value for the first and difficult formalizability of models for the second. As one of the ways to solve the problem, the author suggests the so-called “concept of emotional expectations”, within which a number of hypotheses are consistently built in relation to the key motivational principles of making economic choices; in particular, the assumption of the determinism of economic choice by the conscious process of optimizing the expected positive and negative emotional states is formulated as a key hypothesis.


economic behavior, consumer behavior, theories of rationality, decision-making theories, behavioral economic theory, neuroeconomics.

PP. 54-65.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279210406

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