System diagnostics socio-economic processes
D.M. Galin, I.V. Sumarokova Forecasting development of economy of Russian regions with taking the new classification of kinds of economic activities into account"
Data Mining and Pattern Recognition
System analysis in medicine and biology
Risk management and safety
D.M. Galin, I.V. Sumarokova Forecasting development of economy of Russian regions with taking the new classification of kinds of economic activities into account"

Macromodels of two federal districts of Russia, constructed by authors, are considered in the article. These macromodels correspond to the new classification of kinds of economic activities. Results of forecasting development of economy of these regions with using macromodels for the period until 2028 year by two scenarios are presented.


forecasting development of economy, macromodel, models of variables, endogenous and exogenous variables, scenario, solving problem of forecasting, classification of kinds of economic activities, accuracy of forecast of indicator, dynamics of an indicator.

PP. 26-39.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279230203

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