Системная диагностика социально-экономических процессов
Интеллектуальный анализ данных и распознавание образов
Математическое моделирование
L.A. Reingold, O.V. Klychikhina, A.V. Solovyev "Computer science and information systems: implementation features in education during the pandemic"
Системный анализ в медицине и биологии
Управление рисками и безопасностью
L.A. Reingold, O.V. Klychikhina, A.V. Solovyev "Computer science and information systems: implementation features in education during the pandemic"

Computer technologies and information systems are being developed and implemented in all spheres of social life. These systems are especially important in the face of emergencies. They are used during biological threats like the pandemic. Local infections that emerged at a certain place on the planet rapidly spread all over the world. Information technologies allow create conditions of life. One of the examples is education – because full-time education significantly increases the risks of contagion. This article addresses the challenges emerging due to the accelerated implementation of digital technologies. We demonstrate examples of solutions allowing to effectively provide education at National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University). These include engaging students as digital assistants in helping different types of users with their issues, using gamification methods in educational process and other projects. The application of such approaches results in a positive synergistic effect facilitates educational process during the pandemic.


computer science, information systems, digitalization, semantic interoperability, the Internet of things, big data, digital assistant, gamification, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Стр. 70-79.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279230207

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