E.A. Mikrin, S.R. Somov Overview of models and methods to ensure information integrity in a distributed data processing systems
E.A. Mikrin, S.R. Somov Overview of models and methods to ensure information integrity in a distributed data processing systems


This article provides a brief overview of the formal models and methods used to ensure the safety of information in data processing systems of different scale and purpose. The main attention is paid to methods of ensuring the safety of information in distributed systems operating on the basis of computer networks. The main reasons for occurrence of incidents with data are listed and their influence on business of the companies is described. Considered the data replication method that provides not only the security of data in distributed systems, but also good performance of these systems. An example of replicas placement optimization in GRID-networks is given. Considered the use of formal models and methods of information recovery enhancing data integrity in the system. Also, the concept of using the structural and technological reserve for improving the performance of distributed systems is considered.


data integrity, distributed systems, replication, information recovery, structural and technological reserve.

PP. 5-28.


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