A.A. Bashlykova, A.A. Kamenshhikov, A.Ya. Oleynikov On approaches to the development of interoperability profiles in the military field
A.A. Bashlykova, A.A. Kamenshhikov, A.Ya. Oleynikov On approaches to the development of interoperability profiles in the military field


The provisions contained in the previous publications of the authors on the problem of interoperability in the military field are developing. All the work is built on the basis of analysis of open sources. Section 1 analyzes the approach taken by NATO in the development of profiles. It emphasizes the presence in the management structure of NATO's military organization of a special permanent body for working with profiles of interoperability. Section 2 analyzes the status of similar work in the Russian Federation Armed Forces. It is noted that, despite the recognition of the importance of the problem of interoperability in solving problems in the field of defense and security of the Russian Federation, systematic work is not conducted yet, and the corresponding working body in the structure of the Russian Federation Armed Forces is absent. To correct the situation as a preliminary step, it is proposed to use the subcommittee PC 206 "Interoperability" created by the order of Rosstandart in the structure of the standardization technical committee TK22 "Information technologies", which is entrusted to Kotelnikov Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences.


network-centric warfare, interoperability, development of a profile, ICT- standards, military IS, NATO, RF Armed Forces

PP. 112-121.


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