Abstract. This paper proposes an approach to determining the critical operation modes in object-relational mapping (ORM) components applied in information systems. A key feature of the approach is projection of information systems simulation modeling. The projection implies the cases of the execution of queries to databases using caching in the context of time. It was shown that cache behavior can be identified with behavior of reactants concentrations in oscillatory chemical reactions. This process can be described by a system of higher order non-linear differential equations. Often, not possible to solve the systems analytically or numerically. It was proposed that observe cache states at discrete points in time during information system model work and submit data in multidimensional time series. One of the multidimensional phase space reconstruction methods was proposed. Poincare maps and stability analysis with the use maximal Lyapunov exponent was applied. The article illustrates dissipative structures as well as deterministic chaos with the complete determinism of queries in simulated information systems. Keywords: information system, performance, ORM, database, caching, phase space reconstruction, Poincare map, largest Lyapunov exponent, dissipative system, limit cycle, chaos. PP. 49-65. DOI 10.14357/20718632190105 References 1. Gadkari, A. (2013). Caching in the distributed environment. [Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal], 2(1):9-16. 2. Bhatti, S. N., Abro, Z. H., & Abro, F. R. (2013). Performance evaluation of java based object relational mapping tool. [Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology], 32(2):159-166. 3. Gruca, A., Podsiadło, P. (2014). Performance Analysis of. NET Based Object–Relational Mapping Frameworks [In International Conference: Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures]. Springer, Cham. 40-49. 4. Jacobson, R., & Misner, S. (2006). 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