A. V. Vershinina, I. E. Bocharova, E. N. Koshkina, S. N. Osipov Assessment of Innovation Start-Ups in e-Sport Industry |
Abstract. In the work possibility, appropriateness and peculiarities of applying classic methods of evaluating investment projects efficiency on example of planning Russian innovation start-up in cybersport industry are researched. In the first section a subject field is studied: e-sports’ definitions are regarded, as well as classifications of games and disciplines, country and international status of this or that kind of sport and the most significant competitions. A detailed marketing research of rather new for all the world electronic sports market is conducted by desk-study methods and extending interviews with specialists and experts of the industry: market participants are revealed, as well as character of their activity and interactions, income structure and functioning of inherent organization structures. In the second section educational processes in this sphere are regarded, a review of training specialists in Russian higher education institutions is made. In the third section approaches to quantitative evaluating efficiency of future innovation activity are elaborated and systemized, approach and method relevant to the project is chosen. The fourth section is devoted to planning a project: already existing experience of both successful and unsuccessful activity in this industry is analyzed, scenarios of the conceived project’s realization are elaborated, as well as algorithms of taking decisions depending on the results of their stages implementation, requirements to structure and qualification of personnel of cybersport organization being created, necessary expenditures are evaluated. In the end conclusions are made on possibility and necessityof applying systems approach and methods of investment assessment in the course of planning and evaluating innovation project efficiency. Keywords: innovation projects, investment efficiency evaluation, business-planning, electronic sports PP. 96-109. DOI 10.14357/20718632190109 References 1. 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