V. B. Gusev, P. V. Kurakin Software instruments for verification of models of complex interactions of economic factors |
Abstract. The paper suggests an original approach for development man – computer technology of verification of models of complex interaction of economic factors. We argue that the task of such a verification demands qualitatively new approaches and concepts compared to traditional problems of numerical modeling. We describe partially implemented software solution which pretends to make a response to existing challenge. The solution is based on visual design of exemplars of appropriate problems in the medium of specialized visual editor. Keywords: economy, interaction of factors, mutually complementary factors, mutually compensating factors, visual editor, computational experiment. PP. 66-75. DOI 10.14357/20718632190106 References 1. Gusev V. B., Isaeva N. A. Refleksivnie protsedury analiza ekspertnykh dannykh [Reflexive procedures of analysis of experts’ data]. Informatsionnie tehnologii i vychislitelnie sistemy [Information technologies and computational systems]. 2016. 2: 31-35. 2. Gusev V. B., Pavelyev V. V. Ispolzovanie neprerivnykh shkal pri otsenivanii i prinyatii reshenii v slozhnyh problemnyh situatsiyah: nauchnoe izdanie [Using continuous scales for estimating and solution making in complex problem sitiuations: scientific issue]. Moskva, IPU RAN [Moscow, Institute of control sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences]. 2013, 118 pp. 3. Gusev V. B., Isaeva N. A. Analiz modelei upravlenia na osnove ekspertnih dannyh [Analysis of control models based on experts’ data Moskva], IPU RAN [Moscow, Institute of control sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences]. 2017, 116 pp. 4. Ofitsialnaya stranitsa formata JSON na russkom yazyke [Official page of JSON project in Russian]. Available at: http://json.org/json-ru.html. 5. Zuhba R. D., Kurakin P. V., Malinetskii G. G., Mahov S.A., Mitin N. A., Toropygina S. A. Systema modelirovania “KOSKON” kak instrument podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy v kosmicheskoi otrasli [The simulation system "COSCON" as a tool for decision support in the space industry]. Preprinty IPM im. M. V. Keldysha [Preprints by Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics]. 2015: 113. 36 pp. Available at: http://library.keldysh.ru/preprint.asp?id=2015-113. 6. P. V. Kurakin. Novaya programmnaya arhitektura dlya spetsializirovannyh system matematicheskih raschetov [A new software architecture for specialized systems of mathematical computations]. Informatsionnie tehnologii I vychislitelnie systemy [Information technologies and computation systems]. 2016: 2, 66 – 74. 7. P. V. Kurakin. Spetsializirovannie systemi matematicheskih raschetov novogo pkolenia [New generation of specialized systems for mathematical computation]. Programmnie systemi I vychislitelnie metody [Software systems and computational methods]. 2016:1, 80 – 94.DOI: 10.7256/2305-6061.2016.1.17997. 8. Ofitsialniy web – sait proekta Raphael [Official web – site of Raphael project]. Available at: http://raphaeljs.com/. 9. John Mueller, Four Serious Math Libraries for JavaScript. Available at: https://blog.smartbear.com/testing/fourserious-math-libraries-for-javascript/. 10. Octave (article at Wikipedia), Available at: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Octave. 11. Octave (official web – page of the project) , Available at: https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/