V. A. Fedorenko, E. V. Navrotskaya Criteria and algorithm of the evaluation of the uniqueness of the complexes of matching tracks in the traces on the shot bullets
V. A. Fedorenko, E. V. Navrotskaya Criteria and algorithm of the evaluation of the uniqueness of the complexes of matching tracks in the traces on the shot bullets


In the paper we propose a new algorithm for estimating of the similarity of traces on shot bullets. The algorithm is based on evaluation of the probability of random coincidence of characteristics, individual for each weapon. We proposed an algorithm for the automatic search of the identical traces. In comparison with the known approaches, the proposed method allows to take into account the structure of traces and their width. We proposed an additional criterion of the potential identity of traces. The criterion is based on the analysis of the dependence of the number of coincident traces on the shift of the traces. This criterion makes it possible to increase the reliability of the evaluation of the uniqueness of complexes of coincident traces. Investigations of tracks on bullets fired from a Kalashnikov's Automatic Rifle and Makarov pistol have shown the effectiveness of the proposed technique. The proposed method will allow to objectify the categorical positive conclusion of the expert about the identity of the compared traces on the shot bullets.


image analysis, tracks on the shot bullets, coincident traces, pair tracks, Fourier filter, priority list.

PP. 110-120.

DOI 10.14357/20718632190110


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