A. V. Alekseev, Y. A. Orlova, V. L. Rozaliev, A. V. Zaboleeva-Zotova "Method of Automatic Generation of Blurry Images for Testing Detection Algorithms"
A. V. Alekseev, Y. A. Orlova, V. L. Rozaliev, A. V. Zaboleeva-Zotova "Method of Automatic Generation of Blurry Images for Testing Detection Algorithms"

The work is aimed at developing tools for automatic selection and filtering of blurry images. The paper describes a method of automatic generation of synthetic blurry images, which is based on the algorithm for specifying the point scattering function. Triple of scene images consists of clear,unfocused and blurred in motion images. The model base of various scene photographs was collected. This base is applied to test and evaluate the quality of methods and algorithms for detection of blurry images. The suggested method of blurry image generation can be used in methods of automatic image processing and machine learning.


image processing, blurry image detection, blurry image generation

PP. 90-95.

DOI 10.14357/20718632200408

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