S. G. Belov, A. Ya. Oleinikov, E. E. Yakimenko "Application Of a Unified Approach to Ensure the Interoperability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Combined into a Group"
S. G. Belov, A. Ya. Oleinikov, E. E. Yakimenko "Application Of a Unified Approach to Ensure the Interoperability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Combined into a Group"

It is noted that a large number of different types of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are being developed all over the world and in the Russian Federation. It is shown that currently two trends are observed in UAVs: 1. unification of UAVs of different types, interacting through radio channels, into groups and 2. use of computer systems of different implementations in UAVs. Such groups can be considered as "flying" distributed heterogeneous information systems, for which the problem of interoperability is urgent. On the basis of foreign and domestic experience, a proposal was formed to solve the problem of interoperability of UAV groups within the framework of a unified approach defined by GOST R 55062-2012.


interoperability, standardization, unmanned aerial vehicles, cyber-physical systems.

PP. 3-16.

DOI 10.14357/20718632200401

1. Technology of open systems. / Under the general editorship of Oleinikov A.Ya., Moscow 2004, Janus-K 288s.
2. Zhuravlev E.E., Kornienko V.N., Oleinikov A.Ya., Shirobokova T.D. Development of the first standard to ensure interoperability in the GRID environment // Journal of Radioelectronics. 2011. No. 2.P. 6.
3. Gulyaev Yu.V., Zhuravlev EE, Oleinikov A.Ya. Standardization methodology for ensuring the interoperability of information systems of a wide class. Analytical review // News of higher educational institutions of Russia. Radio electronics. 2012. No. 3.P. 1.
4. GOST R 55062-2012. Industrial automation systems and their integration. Interoperability. Basic provisions. [Electronic resource]: professional reference systems "Techexpert". / Consortium Codex. URL: (date accessed: 09/30/2020).
5. A. A. Bashlykova. S. V. Kozlov, S. I. Makarenko, A. Ya. Oleinikov, I. A. Fomin. An approach to ensuring interoperability in network-centric control systems // Journal of Radioelectronics. No. 6, 2020.
6. Bashlykova A.A., Kamenshikov A.A., Oleinikov A.Ya. About approaches to the development of profiles of interoperability in the military field // Information technologies and computing systems. 2017. No. 4. S. 112-121.
7. Oleinikov A.Ya., Razinkin E.I. Features of the approach to ensuring interoperability in the field of electronic commerce // Information technologies and computing systems. 2012. No. 3. S. 82-92.
8. A.A. Kamenshchikov, A. Ya. Oleinikov, T. D. Shirobokova Investigation of the peculiarities of the problem of interoperability in large-scale information systems // Information technologies and computing systems. 2018.No. 3.P. 16-24.
9. Akatkin Yu.M., Yasinovskaya E.D. Digital Transformation of Public Administration: Datacentricity and Semantic Interoperability Digital Transformation of Public Administration: Datacentricity and Semantic Interoperability of URSS. 2019.724 p. ISBN 978-5-9710-6185-4.
10. Verba V. S., Merkulov V. I., Belov S. G. et al. Scientific schools of JSC "Concern Vega". Information-measuring and control radio-electronic systems. Anniversary monograph for the 75th anniversary of JSC "Concern Vega" / Ed. Verba V.S. - M .: Radiotekhnika, 2019.459 p.
11. Bashlykova A.A., Kamenshikov A.A., Oleinikov A.Ya., Shirobokova T.D. An approach to ensuring interoperability in a high-performance environment on the example of E-SCIENCE // Journal of Radioelectronics. 2019.No. 11.P. 17.
12. Bashlykova A.A., Kamenshikov A.A., Oleinikov A.Ya. Ensuring interoperability as a means of seamless integration of functional subsystems as part of promising automated military systems // Journal of Radioelectronics. 2018.No. 9.P. 18.
13. Bashlykova A.A., Zatsarinny A.A., Kamenshchikov A.A., Kozlov S.V., Oleinikov A.Ya., Chusov I.I. Interoperability as a scientific, methodological and normative basis for the seamless integration of information and telecommunication systems // Systems and means of informatics. 2018.Vol. 28.No. 4.P. 61-72.
14. Kozlov S.V., Makarenko S.I., Oleinikov A.Ya., Rastyagaev D.V., Chernitskaya T.E. The problem of interoperability in network-centric control systems // Journal of Radioelectronics. 2019.No.12.P. 16.
15. R. G. Sanfelice. Analysis and Design of Cyber-Physical Systems. A Hybrid Control Systems Approach // Cyber-Physical Systems: From Theory to Practice / D. Rawat, J. Rodrigues, I. Stojmenovic. - CRC Press, 2016 .-- ISBN 978-1-4822-6333-6
16. ISO / IEC / IEEE 24765: 2010 Systems and software engineering - Vocabulary [Electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed: 09/30/2020)
17. Bashlykova A.A., Kamenshchikov A.A., Oleinikov A.Ya., Shirobokova T.D., Chusov I.I. The problem of interoperability in electronic libraries // Journal of Radioelectronics. 2017.No.12. P.13.
18. Kamenshikov AA, Oleinikov A.Ya., Chusov II, Shirobokova TD The problem of interoperability in military information systems // Journal of Radioelectronics. 2016. No. 11.P.
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22. CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) - Part 3 Interoperability Testing Final Report [Electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed: 09/30/2020).
23. Haijun Wang, Haitao Zhao, Jiao Zhang, Dongtang Ma, Jiaxun Li, and Jibo Wei Survey on Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Networks: A Cyber Physical System Perspective [Electronic resource]. URL: (date accessed: 09/30/2020).
24. UAV IoT Framework Views and Challenges: Towards Protecting Drones as “Things” [Electronic resource]. URL:
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28. Belov S.G. Ensuring the interoperability of an open multi-position aviation system of air monitoring of airspace based on unmanned aerial vehicles "IT - STANDARD 2020", RTU MIREA, Moscow: TCDprint, 2020
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30. Kamenshikov A.A., Oleinikov A.Ya., Shirobokova T.D. Investigation of the peculiarities of the problem of interoperability in large-scale information systems // Information technologies and computing systems. 2018.No. 3.P. 16-28.
31. V.I. Gorodetsky, O.V. Karsaev, V.V. Samoilov, S.V. Serebryakov Applied multiagent systems of group management [Electronic re-source]. URL: (date accessed: 09/30/2020).
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35. S.A. Golovin, A.A. Zatsarinny, S.V. Kozlov. Scientific and methodological approaches to improving the regulatory framework for the creation and development of information and telecommunication systems. // Systems and means of informatics. 2017.Vol. 27.No2. S. 98-112.
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