E. G. Moll, A. V. Smirnov "Development of the “Human-Digital Environment” System"
E. G. Moll, A. V. Smirnov "Development of the “Human-Digital Environment” System"

The article discusses the stages of research on human - computer interaction, examines the features of the "human-digital environment" system, analyzes the results of an experimental study of the inclusion of ICT in human life in the absence of resource constraints and competition with other forms of activity, justifies the need to distinguish the psychology of ICT in an independent section of psychology, defines and formulates the tasks of research ontocybergenesis.


interaction of man and computer, “human-digital environment” system, psychology ICT, ontocybergenesis.

PP. 96-110.

DOI 10.14357/20718632200409

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