A. A. Zatsarinny, A. P. Suchkov Methodological Approach to the Assessment of Threats and Risks of the Program Implementation for the Construction and Development of the Hardware and Software Complex "Safe City" |
The achievement of high planned targets during the implementation of the Program "Construction and development of the hardware and software complex "Safe City" is subject to a number of different threats and risks. We have considered the risks of the initial deformation of the Program, during which its segments were first created, and from 2022 it is planned to introduce common standards for their interaction, which will undoubtedly entail the need for a significant modernization of all existing segments. Attention is also drawn to the following unacceptable risks: incorrect system requirements and lack of scientific support for the Program. It is noted that in the created segments, there is no such important and defining functional block as goal setting and related subsystems for planning and managing targets. The reason for this state of affairs is the initial lack of such functional system requirements. Ways to eliminate these risks are considered.
the hardware and software complex "Safe City", threats and risks of implementation, goal setting, modeling, situational management.
PP. 32-41.
DOI 10.14357/20718632210104 References
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