V. A. Evsin, S. N. Shirobokova, S. P. Vorobyev A Model of a Distributed Registry System with the Approximation of Applications by the Erlang Flow
V. A. Evsin, S. N. Shirobokova, S. P. Vorobyev A Model of a Distributed Registry System with the Approximation of Applications by the Erlang Flow

In this paper, we propose a method for mathematically describing a distributed registry as a queuing system. A conceptual model is presented that defines the main structural elements of the topological structure of a distributed registry, such as network nodes, registry nodes, and distributed registry services for conducting transaction verification operations. The distribution functions of a random variable characteristic of these processes are determined and presented. The application distribution is approximated by Erlang flows to obtain the most accurate value. The conditions for constructing an infinitesimal matrix are determined, taking into account the features of information processes in a distributed registry. Formed the conditions for the normalization. The main integral characteristic indicators required for the analysis of the distributed registry as a queuing system are presented. In order to determine the main integral characteristic indicators of the distributed registry system, a simulation model was developed on the AnyLogic platform.


mathematical modeling, queuing systems, distributed registry, approximation, Erlang phase method, simulation model.

PP. 58-69.

DOI 10.14357/20718632210107

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