A. A. Zhilenkov, S. G. Chernyi, A. Firsov "Autonomous Underwater Robot Fuzzy Motion Control System for Operation under Parametric Uncertainties"
A. A. Zhilenkov, S. G. Chernyi, A. Firsov "Autonomous Underwater Robot Fuzzy Motion Control System for Operation under Parametric Uncertainties"

The paper describes the design of a fuzzy motion control system of an autonomous underwater vehicle. A mathematical model of the underwater vehicle is synthesized. A fuzzy regulator for controlling the depth of immersion AUV is designed. The quality of control for step control, harmonic control, as well as various types of exogenous disturbances is investigated. The comparison of the functioning quality of the designed fuzzy controller with the PD controller is made. It is shown that the designed fuzzy controller provides a higher quality of control compared to the PD controller. The proposed fuzzy controller provides high quality control of the plant under uncertainties.


maritime, controller, fuzzy, AUV, function/

Стр. 50-57.

DOI 10.14357/20718632210106

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