B. A. Avdeev , A. V. Vyngra , S.G. Chernyi Investigation of the Operation of a Two-Circuit Control System for a Direct Current Propulsion Electric Drive of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with Parametric Correction
B. A. Avdeev , A. V. Vyngra , S.G. Chernyi Investigation of the Operation of a Two-Circuit Control System for a Direct Current Propulsion Electric Drive of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with Parametric Correction

The article considers the implementation of the control system "DC propulsion electric drive - bidirectional non-isolated DC voltage converter" as part of an autonomous uninhabited underwater vehicle. The choice of speed controller, current controller, voltage limiter and intensity generator is given, a two-circuit control system is built. A parametric controller is used to control the engine speed. Using the Matlab/Simulink mathematical package, the automatic speed control system was tested and quality indicators were obtained in various operating modes, maps of controller settings were compiled. Based on the analysis of the system operation, voltage surges were eliminated during the transition from one speed to another, overshoot and the time of the transient process were reduced due to parametric correction. The work of the system was analyzed. The description of the laboratory stand for the study of the control system is given. It is shown that the proposed system performed well under conditions of random impacts from the side of the propeller. The results of the experiment confirm the high quality indicators of the de-veloped dual-circuit control system of the propulsion electric drive.


autonomous underwater vehicle, DC-DC converter; modeling; DC motor; double-circuit regulation; parametric correction.

PP. 108-121.

DOI 10.14357/20718632220310

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