A. A. Zatsarinny, A. A. Karandeev, A. E. Maslov, V. P. Osipov, N. Y. Apalkov Development of Technologies Based on Additional Properties |
The article discusses various image recognition technologies and proposes methods to enhance them by exploring additional features. In particular, a new approach is introduced that contributes to improving image recognition by using Harris corners as additional features in images. This significantly enhances the accuracy of the recognition classification model. The significance of this approach lies in its ability to enhance the recognition system's capabilities in detecting and highlighting key object features, ultimately leading to more reliable and efficient results in data analysis, processing, and classification. It also increases the model's robustness. Thanks to these improvements, this image recognition technology can be successfully applied in various fields where high accuracy and reliability are required in information recognition, such as medicine, vehicle classification, and more.
pattern recognition, neural networks, Harris detector, model stability, artificial intelligence.
PP. 67-74.
DOI 10.14357/20718632240107
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