System diagnostics of socio-economic processes
System analysis in medicine and biology
Methods and models of system analysis
V.N. Tsygichko, D.S. Chereshkin Scenario method of forecasting and assessing the risk for negative consequences of strategic decisions in organizational systems
Dynamic systems
V.N. Tsygichko, D.S. Chereshkin Scenario method of forecasting and assessing the risk for negative consequences of strategic decisions in organizational systems


The methodological basis and content of the scenario method of forecasting socio-economic processes are outlined. A method for constructing scenarios of negative developments in the organizational system (OS), under the influence of strategic decisions is presented. A scenario method for assessing the risks of negative consequences of strategic decisions in the OS has been developed and an example of its use has been given.


organizational system (OS), scenarios, crisis, strategic decision, negative consequences of decisions, prediction of OS evolution, state of OS, external environment, emergency situation, risk, crisis situation.

PP. 74-83.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279180407


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5. Tsygichko V.N., Smolyan G.L., Han-Magomedov. Internet v Rossii. Perspektivi rasvitia. [Internet in Russia. Development prospects]. – M..: Editorial URSS. 2004. 200 s.


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