Yu.V. Pazyuk, V.A. Kubrina, V.P. Efimova The law of viability of local civilizations |
Abstract. The results of the study of the processes of resiliency of local civilizations are presented. The Law of viability of local civilizations is revealed and substantiated, the Trinity of essential forms is established, namely: the structural core of local civilization; the national elite and the system-forming nation; the description of their content is given taking into account the factor of variability in time and space to ensure the increase of viability of local civilization in the conditions of globalization and variability of the economic environment at the stage of the third Millennium. Keywords: local civilization, viability of local civilization, cultural civilizational code, sustainable development, great country, state-leader, primary country, broken country, divided country, civilization safety. PP. 84-95. DOI: 10.14357/20790279180408 References 1. Pazyuk Yu.V., Efimova V.P., Kubrina V.A. Regularities of development of local civilizations in the third Millennium. Questions of national security. – Moscow: SVR-Argus, 2016, 162 p. 2. Pazyuk Yu.V., Efimova V.P. Strategic management: Personal human capital as the basis of the Eurasian civilizational model of development of Russia in the third Millennium. Questions of national security of Russia-M.: Fund “New Millennium”, 2015. 360 p. 3. Huntington S. Clash of civilizations. Moscow: AST., 2015, – 570s. 4. Yakovets Yu.V. Globalization and interaction of civilizations. – M.: “Publishing House “Economy”, 2003. -441 p. 5. Kuzyk B.N., Yakovets Yu.V. Civilizations: theory, history, dialogue, future. T. II . The future of civilizations and geocivilizational dimensions. – M.: Institute of economic strategies. 2006, Pp. 152-154; 259p. 6. Comparison of great states. Data on shares in the world are given for 2010-2013. / / en: List of top international rankings by country: https://ru.wikipedia.org/ 7. Vanaik A. Hegemonic stability, the new “QUINTET” and others./ World economy and international relations. 2014, № 5, p. 112. 8. Todd E. After the Empire: Pax Americana – the beginning of the end.- M.: International. Relations, 2004. 9. Savin M.V. Mass socio-cultural life of modern civilization and relativize philosophy//Modern problems of social-humanitarian Sciences.-M.: Institute of Humanities, 2009. p. 249-251. 10. Toynbee A.J., Huntington S.F. Challenges and answers. How do civilizations perish-M.: Algorithm, 2016-288 p. 11. Maltsev A. On the problem of “sunset” of large states// World economy and international relations, 2014, №11, p. 115. 12. Inglehart R., Welzel K. Modernization, cultural change and democracy: the Sequence of human development.- Moscow: New publishing house, 2011. – 464 p. 13. Vladimir Quint. Strategic management and Economics on the global emerging market. Business Atlas, Moscow, 2012.