Information technology in system analysis
N.I. Yusupova, O.N. Smetanina, E.Yu. Sazonova, A.I. Agadullina, T.V. Naumova Data Mining decision support on improvement a person’s psychophysical readiness for successful professional activity
Methods and models of system analysis
Risk management and safety
N.I. Yusupova, O.N. Smetanina, E.Yu. Sazonova, A.I. Agadullina, T.V. Naumova Data Mining decision support on improvement a person’s psychophysical readiness for successful professional activity


The article deals with the problems of organizing decision support for improving a person’s psychophysical readiness for professional activities and the current state of the issue. The expert knowledge in the area of requirements for the psychophysical readiness of a person for a certain professional activity is given. The problem statement was considered, a method was proposed for organizing information support for decision-making in the form of recommendations for improving psychophysical readiness for forthcoming professional activities for students in higher education institutions and their implementation in physical education classes. The proposed methodology includes the preparation of data for analysis, the identification of new knowledge based on the similarity of objects using clustering, their integration with expert knowledge, the formalization of knowledge and the formation of a knowledge base, obtaining a solution using knowledge and inference mechanism. Data mining tools (data cleaning algorithms, neural network apparatus) are shown, using which implicit knowledge is revealed. The formalization and choice of the knowledge representation model are shown. The results of the experiment based on the proposed method are given. Recommendations have considered for improving the psychophysical readiness of a person for professional activity, taking into account the results of clustering.


Data mining, production rules, Kohonen maps, inference engine, decision support.

PP. 13-21.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279190402


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