Information technology in system analysis
Methods and models of system analysis
Risk management and safety
S.V. Smirnov Fuzzy cognitive maps formation based on ontological analysis of expert data
S.V. Smirnov Fuzzy cognitive maps formation based on ontological analysis of expert data


The problem of constructing fuzzy cognitive maps is considered. The task is to overcome the incompleteness and inconsistency of engaged experts opinions regarding the concepts composition of the cognitive map and their mutual influence. To solve the problem, it is proposed to apply models and methods of ontological data analysis. The expertise data is structured in the form of a correspondence “ordered pairs of concepts - influences”: the concepts specified by at least one expert are taken into account, and the opinion of each expert about the influence of the first concept on the second is fixed. Opinion is expressed by selecting
an element from a finite set of linguistic constants, which reflect the realities of expert data. Weighing and integrating of the experts opinions using the methods of multi-valued vector logic allows us to form a non-strict correspondence “ordered pairs of concepts - influences”. A technique is proposed for converting this non-strict correspondence into a self-consistent fuzzy one. The main role here is given to the method of rational threshold section of non-strict correspondence developed in the framework of ontological analysis of data. This method is able to take into account the existence constraints of different types of influence for each pair of map concepts. Finally, the aggregated influence weights are defuzzified by the well-known center of gravity method.


fuzzy cognitive map, expert data, ontological data-analysis, properties existence constraints

PP. 79-86.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279190410


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