Image and signal processing
A.V. Vokhmintcev The solution of the variational problem point-plane ICP based on the fusion of visual and semantic characteristics of a three-dimensional scene
Risk management and safety
Methods and models in economy
Economic and sociocultural challenges of the information society
Dynamic systems
A.V. Vokhmintcev The solution of the variational problem point-plane ICP based on the fusion of visual and semantic characteristics of a three-dimensional scene

A new accurate combined method for orthogonal transformations is developed for solving the pointplane variational problem in a closed form. This method is used to reconstruct a three-dimensional model of the environment from a set of images and depth map obtained from sensors which located on mobile platforms. The suggested method was compared with the Horn method for the point-to-point metric. The results of computer simulation showed that the proposed method is better than the state-of-art methods of registration both in accuracy and in terms of computational complexity in uncontrolled conditions.


registration task, point-plane metric, localization, orthogonal transformation, two-dimensional descriptors, iterative closest points algorithm

PP. 3-14.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279200101

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