Image and signal processing
A.V. Samarin, V.A. Malykh, P.S. Kalaidin ID verification method using limited image area
Risk management and safety
Methods and models in economy
Economic and sociocultural challenges of the information society
Dynamic systems
A.V. Samarin, V.A. Malykh, P.S. Kalaidin ID verification method using limited image area

In this work we study a ID document recognition task. We propose an approach based on VGG network variants, which allows to get the most expressive docmument descriptors for this task. We also propose a combined neural network architecture effective for document verification. The proposed architecture includes auto-encoder generating an expressive image descriptor. This apphiach we compare to the existing analogues, and provide results of evaluation on specific dataset of ID documents owned by


optical character recognition, image classification, noise robustness, neural networks.

PP. 15-23.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279200102

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