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V.N.Livchits, Т.I. Tischenko, М.P. Frolova Capitalism and socialism. Subjective objective approach to assessment of winners and defeated
Dynamic systems
V.N.Livchits, Т.I. Tischenko, М.P. Frolova Capitalism and socialism. Subjective objective approach to assessment of winners and defeated

In the article a brief analysis of Russian economy since 1991 is given. Widespread opinions of the reasons for the Soviet Union’s collapse are examined critically, attention is paid to the fact that even in the epicentre of market economy – in the USA – problems of income inequality and poverty of large groups of population are also the key ones, and at their solution coordinated efforts of economic,social and demographic policies of the authorities should be directed. The opinion of authoritative economists (J.Stiglitz, Dm.Lvov, J.Galbraith and others) that the future will most likely be not capitalist, but socialist is noted.


capitalism, socialism, Soviet Union’s collapse, economy, society, industrialization, wealth, poverty, living standards, inequality.

PP. 65-74.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279200108

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