Image and signal processing
Risk management and safety
Methods and models in economy
Economic and sociocultural challenges of the information society
O.M. Shatalova Information support model in assessing the effectiveness of innovations from the standpoint of non-stochastic uncertainty
Dynamic systems
O.M. Shatalova Information support model in assessing the effectiveness of innovations from the standpoint of non-stochastic uncertainty

The article is devoted to the issues of evaluating the effectiveness of innovative processes in conditions of significant uncertainty of a non-stochastic nature. The description of the methodological concept of evaluating the effectiveness of innovative processes from the standpoint of non-stochastic uncertainty is presented; the concept is implemented by methods of fuzzy inference. Based on the presented description, a model of information support was developed. The developed model reveals the content of the innovation process in the strategic context of its implementation and allows you to generate the necessary set of data on performance parameters, as well as on managerially significant limitations and preferences, which are formalized and taken into account in assessing effectiveness through intelligent methods of fuzzy inference.


technological innovation, effectiveness, uncertainty, modeling fuzzy-set.

PP. 88-98.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279200110

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