Macrosystem dynamics
General systems theory
Information technology in system analysis
A.V. Solovyev Solving the problem of interpreting digital data for long-term keeping
Systemic regulation of national and regional economy
Modeling of activity characteristics of sectoral and regional subsystems
A.V. Solovyev Solving the problem of interpreting digital data for long-term keeping

In the context of the rapid digitalization of the economy, both the volume of digital data and their value are increasing. Distortion of this data is certainly unacceptable and will lead to large material and non-material losses. One of the problems when working with digital data, especially with their long-term storage, is the problem of data interpretation. This article proposes a solution to the problem of interpreting digital distributed long-term keeping data by developing a long-term keeping format, which, along with a mathematical model of long-term keeping digital data, allows solving the problem of interpretability. The article provides an overview of the existing digital data formats. Their advantages and disadvantages are determined. The necessity of creating a custom format has been proved, which would take into account, on the one hand, the heterogeneity of digital data, on the other hand, it would allow organizing access to separate parts of distributed data, on the other hand, it would make it easy to interpret the data in the event of a failure or lack of interpretation software. As a practical result, within the framework of the study, a long-term keeping format based on a subset of the XML language was created. The created format has passed practical testing. In the future, its wider implementation and modernization is planned.


digital data, long-term keeping, file format, electronic document, digitalization, digital economy

PP. 43-49.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279210206

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