The article is devoted to the study of a fundamental task to solve the problem of achieving stability and increasing the number of participants in professional online communities, which have a powerful potential to increase network human capital and increase the efficiency of professional activity. There are two empirically confirmed directions leading to an increase in the level and quality of participation. Collaboration is investigated as a factor of success of large-scale scientific projects, emphasizing the crucial importance of the ability of organizers to initiate the creation of a web community that stimulates the interest of participants in the results of common work. The topical issue of the influence of personal characteristics of online community members on the nature and level of their involvement is also considered. The practices of studying the influence of personality traits on the stability of communities within the framework of the Five Personality Traits model are analyzed, an interactive approach to the consideration of the problem is formulated. The conclusion is substantiated about the effectiveness of an innovative approach to solving the fundamental problem of preserving and increasing the level and quality of user activity in online communities, based on the use of personalized targeted tools to increase motivation to participate in order to develop effective strategies for attracting participants in a more user-oriented way.
Digital civic science, online communities, networked human capital, increased motivation to participate, collaboration, personal characteristics of participants, self-adaptive approach.
PP. 17-27.
DOI: 10.14357/20790279220403 References
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