Methods and models in economy
V.V. Grigoriev The concept of a unified system of valuation standards in countries of the Eurasian Economic Union
Scientometrics and management science
Recognition of images
Methodological problems of the system analysis
V.V. Grigoriev The concept of a unified system of valuation standards in countries of the Eurasian Economic Union


This article introduces the concept of a unified system of valuation standards in countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, the necessity of establishing a system of uniform standards, are its composition and structure, elements of codification of standards for evaluation, and outlines the results of the implementation of common standards in the practice of evaluation of the Eurasian Economic Union.


the system cost standards, the concept of uniform standards, Eurasian Economic Union, evaluation activities, the harmonization of standards for evaluation, the codification of standards for evaluation.

PP. 3-11.


1. “The international valuation standards 2011”/ English translation ed. G.i. Menkaure, I.l. Artemenkova-m: Self-regulating all-Russian public organization «Russian society of appraisers, 2013-188 c.
2. The European valuation standards (TEGOVA)
3. Uniform standards of professional appraisal practice. (United States-USPAP) ed. In M. Rutgajzera M.: ARMO, Ed. Home consulting, Quinto, 2005, 232с.
4. Evaluation standards RICS (United Kingdom) 6 Ed., enlarged; m.: RICS, Translated from English by PUBLISHERS, Moscow, 2011, 188s.


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