Methods and models in economy
Scientometrics and management science
Recognition of images
S.A. Usilin Using greedy strategy of Viola-Jones cascade choosing for improving performance of multi-class object detection in video stream
Methodological problems of the system analysis
S.A. Usilin Using greedy strategy of Viola-Jones cascade choosing for improving performance of multi-class object detection in video stream


This paper aims to study the problem of multi-class object detection in video stream with Viola and Jones cascades. An adaptive algorithm of choosing Viola-Jones cascade based on greedy choice strategy in N-armed bandit problem is proposed. The efficiency of the algorithm is shown on the problem of detection and recognition the logo of bank card in the video stream. The proposed algorithm can be effectively used in documents localization and identification, recognition of road scene elements, search of natural and man-made objects in the coastal zone of the Arctic, and for solving other problems of rigid object detection in a heterogeneous data flows.


machine learning, object detection, Viola-Jones cascades, N-armed bandit problem, epsilon-greedy method, softmax method, exponential moving average.

PP. 75-82.


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