I.E. Bocharova, E.N. Koshkina, E.R. Orlova, M.V. Koshkin Analysis of Staff Problems of Russian Tourism |
Abstract. At present tourist activities in Russia is regarded as one of its priority economic industries. However, there are a lot of complexities in Russian tourism, and the problem of its providing with personnel is one of them. Just the approaches to solving this problem are considered by the authors. In the article analysis is conducted of distributing profile educational organizations on Russian territory and how well this distribution meets the requirements of the most attractive (in view of tourism) regions. Vectors of improving the training system and personnel’s professionalism in the field of tourism are proposed. Keywords: tourism, training, educational organization in the field of tourism, domestic and inbound tourism. PP. 72-78. REFERENCES 1. Decision of the RF Government of 15.04.2014 N 317 “On Approving the State Program of the Russian Federation “Development of Culture and Tourism” for 2013-2020 years” 2. Order of Ministry of Labor of Russia of 02.11.2015 N 832 (ed. Of 10.02.2016) “On Approving the Reference Book of Claimed at Labor Market, New and Perspective Professions, Including Those Demanding Professional Secondary Education” 3. Order of Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 26.03.2015 N 284 “On Approving General Volumes of Control Figures of Admitting for Education on Educational Programs of High Education at the Expense of Budget Allocations of the Federal Budget for 2016-2017 School Year” 4. I.E. Bocharova, E.P.Melnik, E.R.Orlova. The Role of Tourist Industry in Russian Economy. M.: National Interests: Priorities and Sacurity. N 28 (313), 2015, c.2-9 5. E.R. Orlova, I.E. Bocharova, A.A. Darmenko, Export and Import Substitution in Tourist Industry of Russia: Possibilities Problems. M.: Audit and Financial Analysis. № 1, pp. 2-9 6. T.A. Frolova. Economy and Management in Social and Cultural Service and Tourism. Summary of Lectures. Taganrog: Publishing House of TTI SFU, 2011 7. A.M. Tramova. Methodology of Innovation Development of Region’s Tourist-Recreation Complex. Abstract of Doctoral Dissertation on Economic Sciences / Moscow Economic and-Statistical Institute. Moscow, 2015. 8. E.N. Koshkina, E.R. Orlova. Analysis of the Reforms in the Sphere of Education in the Past and Nowadays // Scientific Notes of the Russian Academy of Business. M. Russian Academy of Business (Moscow) – 2015, N 44 (pp.353-362). 9. E.N. Koshkina, E.R.Orlova, E. M. Pavlova. Analysis of Problems of Education’s Territorial Organization// Collection of Scientific Works of the IX International School-Symposium Analysis, Modeling, Management and Development of Social and Economic Systems (AMMD-2015). Crimean Federal University of V.I.Vernadsky (Simferopol), 2015.