K.N. Popov The Internet and the creation of local communities |
Abstract. In the last decade in our country is fairly intensive develop online communities. The allocation of this social phenomenon necessitates a sociological study of a number of issues associated with the specifics of a new communication environment, identifying regularities of its functioning, information and social capital, etc. The Goal of this study is to search and systematize examples of the use of the Internet to organize local communities and maintain communications between members of these communities. Keywords: online community, local selfgovernment, urban forums. PP. 79-90. REFERENCES 1. Fabricant M., Fisher R. Agency-based community building in low-income neighborhoods: A praxis framework // Journal of Community Practice. – 2002. – Vol. 10, № 2. – Р. 1–22. 2. Urbanist Svjat Murunov – o gorodah, v kotorih lyudi ne mogut bit schastlivi. Available at: // http://www.the-village.ru/village/city/cityinterview/166717-urbanist-svyatoslav-murunov 3. Briggs X. de S. Community building // Encyclopedia of Community: From the Village to the Virtual World / [ed. By Karen Christensen, David Levinson]. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2003. – Vol. 1. – Р. 246–250. 4. Liska A.G..Kontseptsia stroitelstva mestnogo soobtshestva v rabotah zarubeghnih uchenih //Sociological Studies.2013. № 7. P. 99–103. 5. Peskov D.N. Internet kak politicheskij institut v Rossii //URL: ПесковД. pdf – Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 6. Popova V.V. Munitchipalniy sotsium kak subject mestnogo samoupravleniya. Avtoref., 22.00.08. М.: 2008. 7. Mersiyanova I.V.Territorialnoe obtchestvennoe samoupravlenie kak forma obtchestvennogo utchastiya // Voprosi gosudarstvennogo i munitchipalnogo upravleniya. 2010. № 3. С. 149–168. 8. Mestnoe samoupravlenie v Rossii: sostojanie, problemi, puti sovershenstvovaniya. Itogoviy doklad.М.: Ekon-Inform, 2009. 9. Zazulina M.P., Samsonov V.V. Kollizii reformirovaniya mestnogo samoupravleniya na sele (opit ekspertnogo oprosa) // Sociological Studies.2010, № 2. 10. NuvahovT.A. Problemi reformirovaniya mestnogo samoupravleniyav Rossii s ekspertnoi tochkizreniya. // Vlast. № 5. 11. SamodinS.V. Osnovnie tendentsii i protivorechiya reformi mestnogo samoupravleniya v Rossii. // Vlast. 2007, № 7. 12. Vozmitel A.A., Kukonkov P.I. Sotchialnie faktori stanovleniya sistemi mestnogo samoupravleniya v Rossii // Vlast. 2014, № 9. 13. Maykova E.Yu, Simonova E.V. Samoupravlencheskiy potentchial naseleniya rossiyskih regionov (na primereTverskoi oblasti). Sociological Studies.2015, № 7. 14. Martinov M.Yu. Mestnoe soobchestvo i sotsialno-ekonomicheskaya osnova mestnogo samoupravleniya. Sociological Studies. 2003. № 8. 15. Problemi realizatsii potentsiala mestnogo soobtchestva .Available at: // http://geolike.ru/page/gl_8940.htm 16. Smirnyagin L. Transformatsia obtchestvennogo prostranstva v Rossii. Otechestvennie zapiski. 2006, №5. 17. Pavlyuk S. Tchuvstvo mesta I nizovoi regionalism. Otechestvennie zapiski. 2006, №5. 18. Tsibikdordjieva J.D. Nemetskii opit vovlecheniya grajdan v upravlenie mestnim soobchtcnvom. Voprosi upravleniya. 2015, №2(33). 19. Nesterov B.Yu. K voprosu o dinamike setevih soobtchestv. Available at: //banderus2.narod.ru/93078.htm/ 20. Bondarenko S.V. Sotsialnaya struktura virtualnih setevih soobtchestv. // Rostovskii gosudarstvenniy unuversitet, 2004. 21. Skuratov A.B. Liderstvo v lokalnih internetsoobtchestvah: praktika sotchialnostratifikatsionnogo analiza. Vestnik YuRGTU, 2016, № 3. 22. Tischenko V.I. Virtualnie soobtchestva v RUNETe: paradigma razvitiya.М., URSS, 2004. 23. Grigorichev K.V., Pinigina Yu.N. Konsolidatsia prigorodnih soobchestv v prostranstve kollektivnogo tekcta internet-forumov. Vestnik IrGTU, 2013, №12 (83). 24. Forum Zelenograda. Available at://forum.netall.ru 25. YA.Forum. Available at://yasenevo.ru 26. Nezavisimiy forum goroda Dubna. Available at://http//dubna.net 27. ForumBel.Ru. Available at://forum.bel.ru 28. Forum goroda Puschino. Available at://forumpsn.ru 29. ForumPNZ. Available at://forumpnz.ru 30. Forum Penzi. Available at://forumpenzainform.ru 31. Tepliy Stan. Nezavisimiy informatsionniy portal. Available at://www.teplak.ru 32. Forum Jiteley rayona Novokosino-2. Available at://novokosino2.com 33. Forum Peredelkino Blijnee-Forum sosedey. Available at://nearperedelkino.ru