G.A. Smirnov The concept of a network logic and its language |
Abstract.The procedures responsible for the formation of well-structured objects of perception are described. This procedures allows us to solve a number of problems arised in handling Big Data. In our approach, it is unnecessary to perform additional operations to accumulate and structure the data fixed by human senses or measuring devices: the conceptualization and structuring of the data is carried out simultaneously with its registration. Keywords: procedures of structurization, cognitive models, noumenal reality, rational reality, intuitive knowledge. PP. 33-44. DOI 10.14357/20718632180404 References 1. Harris, J. Data, Information and Knowledge Management // Project Experience. 2011. Available at: https://www.prjexp.ru/dwh/data_information_knowledge.php (accessed April 28, 2011). 2. Goldman, Dzh. Bol'shiye dannyye vyshli iz mody. Vam nuzhny umnyye dannyye [Goldman J. Large data went out of fashion. You need smart data]// INC. 20.04.2017 - Available at: https://incrussia.ru/understand/bolshie-dannye-vyshli-iz-modyvam-nuzhny-umnye-dannye/ (accessed May 18, 2017). 3. Smirnov, G.A. 2006 Poznanie i /ili strukturizaciya: k razrabotke sistemnoy modeli znaniya [Knowledge and / or structuring: the development of system model knowledge] Sistemnie issledovaniya: Metodologicheskie problemi. Ezhegodnik 2003-2005[System Research: Methodological problems. Yearbook 2003-2005]. Moscow: Nauka, 2006. 37: 29-69. 4. Smirnov, G.A. 2015. Ot ob"ektnoy k setevoy paradigme sistemnogo podhoda (chast pervaya) [From object to network paradigm of system approach (part one)]. Trudy ISA RAN [ISA RAS Proceedings].65(2): 66-75. 5. Smirnov, G.A. 2017. Ot ob"ektnoy k setevoy paradigme sistemnogo podhoda (chast vtoraya) [From object to network paradigm of system approach (part two)]. Trudy ISA RAN [ISA RAS Proceedings].67(1): 89-103. 6. Bateson, G.1972. Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution, and Epistemology. New York: Ballantine Books. 7. Castells, M. 2001. Identity and Change in the Network Society: Conversation with Manuel Castells. UC Berkeley: Institute of International Studies (Globetrotter.berkeley.edu.). 8. Luman, N.2002. Binfiihrung in die Systemtheorie. Heidelberg: Carl-Auer-Systeme Verlag. 9. Tishchenko,V.I. 2017. Setevaya paradigma: istoki i stanovleniye [The Network Paradigm: Origins and Becoming]/ Sistemnyy analiz i informatsionnyye tekhnologii. Trudy konferentsii[Proceedings of the Conference]: 54-60.