A.V. Ilyin, V.D. Ilyin "Situational management: review of the results relevant to the development of online services for e-government and e-business" |
Abstract. The review describes the results of studies of situational management for economic activity and public administration, relevant to the development of online services for e-government and business. The system of public administration and the economic mechanism are considered as closely related systems of situational management of status rivalry. Situational informatization (informatization of situational management) is studied as a means of stage-bystage organizational and technological improvement of situational management systems through planned transitions from the starting situations to the target ones. Situations are represented by formalized descriptions of a set of state spaces ("Resource Support", "Production of Real Goods", etc.), which characterize the country's potential. The objects monitoring is carried out on the basis of situation portraits analysis using the objects' digital twins, functioning in a special human-machine environment for solving problems (s-environment). Information technologies based on situational informatization methodology are implemented in the s-environment, which serves as an infrastructure platform for online services (banking, trading, etc.). The results of the first stage of implementation include a set of Resource Planning Online Services (www.res-plan.com) for solving problems of budgeting and resource allocation in accordance with mandatory and orienting rules. Keywords: situational informatization, portrait of situation, e-business, e-government, state spaces, country's potential, Resource Planning Online Services Стр. 45-54. DOI 10.14357/20718632180405 Полная версия статьи в формате pdf. References 1. Klykov Yu. I. 1974. Situatsionnoe upravlenie [Situational management]. Moscow: Energiya. 241 p. 2. Pospelov D. 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