A.I. Panov Formation of an Image Component of Knowledge of the Cognitive Agent with a Sign-based Model of Worldview
A.I. Panov Formation of an Image Component of Knowledge of the Cognitive Agent with a Sign-based Model of Worldview


In the theory of the sign-based model of worldview the elementary unit of information (at modeling of any cognitive processes, such as planning, goal-setting and reflection) is the four-component structure named sign. Sign components are responsible for implementing relatively simple involuntary processes that play the role of automatic or supporting functions. To describe the supporting functions of the signbased world model, the concepts of the causal matrix and the causal network are used, the definitions of which are specified in this paper. The procedures of activity spreading on the causal network are introduced. With a focus on the image component of the sign, the paper proposes an algorithm for the formation of the causal matrix and a fragment of the causal network. As an example, the problem of identification of anomalies in human locomotory movements is considered.


sign, sign-based world model, cognitive function, HTM, causal matrix, causal network, activity spreading.

PP. 84-96.

DOI 10.14357/20718632180409


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