P. B. Bogdanov, O. J. Sudareva JPEG image decoding on the KOMDIV microprocessors
P. B. Bogdanov, O. J. Sudareva JPEG image decoding on the KOMDIV microprocessors


In this paper we consider possible application of special-purpose massively-parallel SIMD-coprocessor CP2 for digital image compression. The CP2 coprocessor is designed by and used in several products of ISR RAS, and it is capable of computations with real and complex numbers. We take the JPEG digital image compression standard as an example and analyse the JPEG decompression algorithm for further implementation on CP2.


KOMDIV, CP2, JPEG, JFIF, DCT, libjpeg-turbo.

PP. 3-16.

DOI 10.14357/20718632190101


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