E.B. Kleymenova, L.P. Yashina Digital technologies for improving the quality and safety of acute cardiovascular disease management
E.B. Kleymenova, L.P. Yashina Digital technologies for improving the quality and safety of acute cardiovascular disease management


The paper describes a soft- and hardware complex (IT-complex) for clinical workflow management, including Decision Support System (DSS) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system. DSS helps to make decisions on treating patient according to clinical guidelines, to account the severity of his condition when evaluating treatment outcomes, to generate automatically clinical quality registers, to analyze and compare key performance indicators of healthcare providers. RFID provides an objective automated control over the execution and timing of workflow activities, in accordance with the normative quality criteria and clinical guidelines. IT-complex can be installed independently or be integrated with a medical information system. It was introduced in a general hospital; its effectiveness was proved for managing patients with acute coronary syndrome.


workflow management, radio-frequency identification, decision support system, acute coronary syndrome

PP. 76-86.

DOI 10.14357/20718632190107


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