G. P. Akimova, A. Yu. Danilenko, E. V. Pashkina, M. A. Pashkin, A. A. Podrabinovich, I. V. Tumanova Mandatory Control in Automated Information Systems
G. P. Akimova, A. Yu. Danilenko, E. V. Pashkina, M. A. Pashkin, A. A. Podrabinovich, I. V. Tumanova Mandatory Control in Automated Information Systems

The article discusses access control and integrity control using mandatory algorithms. Currently, these approaches to ensuring information security are not widely used in the development of automated information systems due to restrictions on their implementation. The authors proposed a change in these restrictions, replacing them with a number of rules that allow more accurately take into account the business logic of operating organizations. This approach allows to significantly expand the application of mandatory control in all types of information systems.


information security, automated information systems, mandatory access control, mandatory integrity control.

DOI 10.14357/20718632200301

PP. 3-12.

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