A.I. Molodchenkov, O. G. Grigoriev, Ya.N. Sharafutdinov Automatic Calculation of Disease Risk Factors Values Using Artificial Intelligence Methods and Internet of Things Technology
A.I. Molodchenkov, O. G. Grigoriev, Ya.N. Sharafutdinov Automatic Calculation of Disease Risk Factors Values Using Artificial Intelligence Methods and Internet of Things Technology

The paper describes algorithms for automatic calculation of the values of risk factors for diseases on the base of data received from bracelets, smart watches, scales and other Internet of Thingsdevices. At the present time such devices allow us to measure different parameters of a person's health and lifestyle. It is possible to calculate the values of risk factors for various diseases, on the base of these parameters. The article describes an algorithm to calculate the average heart rate at rest values as one of risk factors using data received from wearable devices.


health, risk factors, artificial intelligence, knowledge base, prevention, Internet of Things.

PP. 83-96.

DOI 10.14357/20718632210109

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