V.N. Gridin, V.I. Anisimov, S.A. Vasiliev Increasing the Efficiency Development of Distributed Computer - Aided Design Systems Using Diacoptics |
The main stages of the life cycle of information systems are described, in particular, distrib-uted systems for computer-aided design of electronic circuits. Modern life cycle models are presented: advantages and scenarios for their use. Automation tools are defined with examples of each main stage of the life cycle of information systems. A technique for modeling weakly coupled electronic circuits based on the technology of calculating large electronic circuits in parts is proposed. It is shown that the implementation of the diacoptic approach to modeling large loosely coupled circuits significantly increases the productivity of the computational process, which is especially important in the development of distributed computer-aided design systems. It is proposed to build and transform the description of the simulated circuit to use generalized signal graphs that display the equations of the circuit in a generalized cause-and-effect form.
Information systems life cycle, information systems development automation tools, DevOps, computer-aided design systems, circuit modeling, generalized signal graph, diacoptics methods. PP. 3-11.
DOI 10.14357/20718632220101 References
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