A.V. Solovyev The Problem of Defining an Electronic Document for Long-Term Storage |
In this article, the definitions of the concepts of an electronic document that exist in domestic and international regulatory documents were investigated. Based on the study, important components of an electronic document for long-term storage were identified: metadata, a normalized copy, related directories and classifiers, indices, components of an electronic signature, etc. An electronic document was defined in relation to the organization of long-term storage and the composition of its information was determined in general terms. , digital data. The mathematical model of the electronic document is presented in general form. The ways of further scientific research are determined: development of a mathematical model of the semantic blocks of an electronic document; assessment of the alienability of an electronic document from the software and hardware storage environment; assessment of the interpretability of electronic documents. In the course of further research, the author plans to prepare a series of articles to describe the solution to the problems of ensuring the preservation of the document.
long-term storage, document preservation, electronic document, metadata, digital data.
PP. 47-54.
DOI 10.14357/20718632220106 References
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