E. V. Strashnov, I. N. Mironenko, L. A. Finagin Simulation of Spacecraft Landing on the Moon in Virtual Environment Systems
E. V. Strashnov, I. N. Mironenko, L. A. Finagin Simulation of Spacecraft Landing on the Moon in Virtual Environment Systems

The paper considers the simulation of final phases spacecraft landing on the Moon in virtual environment systems. To solve this task, methods and algorithms are proposed for the optimal control of lunar module jet engines with the implementation of speed performance and minimum fuel consumption. The developed control is based on virtual sensors feedback and makes it possible to implement reorientation, deceleration and soft landing of spacecraft. Approbation of proposed methods and approaches in this paper was carried out in our software package of virtual environment system on the example of virtual model Luna-25 spacecraft landing simulation in automatic mode and showed their adequacy and effectiveness.


spacecraft, Moon, soft landing, jet engine, optimal control, simulation, virtual environment system.

PP. 81-92.

DOI 10.14357/20718632220408

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