V. D. Ilyin S-Modeling: an Introduction to Updated Theory
V. D. Ilyin S-Modeling: an Introduction to Updated Theory

The review describes the basics of updated theory of symbolic modeling of arbitrary objects in a human-machine environment (S-modeling). The theory of S-modeling includes languages for a formalized description of an extensible system of S-modeling notions, a description of the core of this system and classes of basic tasks for constructing and manipulating S-models. The theory of S-modeling is considered as a methodological platform for the scientifically based development of information technologies and the human-machine environment of S-modeling and digitalization of various types of activities (Senvironment). S-modeling uses all kinds of symbols (audio, visual, etc.) implementable in the Senvironment. S-models are studied as entities having three interrelated representations in the S-environment: symbolic, code and signal. The construction of S-models is carried out according to the rules corresponding to the classes of basic S-modeling tasks. The typing of s-modeled objects is defined. Refined definitions of classes of basic S-modeling tasks are given.


Symbolic Modeling (S-modeling), S-modeling Theory, S-symbol, S-code, S-signal, S-environment, Basic Tasks of S-modeling.

PP. 62-68.

DOI 10.14357/20718632220406

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