The growing problems associated with the unpredictable emergence of global crisis processes and situations, inconsistencies between sectors of the world economy and emerging digital transformations in most areas of activity, actualize the search for effective solutions for the strategic management of the digital transformation process in any organization, including large and mediumsized companies agribusiness. The paper proposes an approach to building a model of a digital twin of agricultural production, which is based on the principle of sustainable economic development, harmoniously combining two interrelated processes: sustainability and development. Development requires expanding external relations, markets, and developing specialization. However, in cases of crisis, interruption of the supply of raw materials, closure of sales markets and other unfavorable circumstances, there should always be a part of the economy that is closed to itself, using its own resources and working for its consumers. The structural-mathematical model of sustainable development of the agricultural production process, based on the so-called model of a typical production unit, is considered. It is a system of algebraic equalities and inequalities that evaluate the power of individual components of the process and are based on balance relations. Within the framework of the proposed model, it is possible to consider the sustainable development of the economy of individual agricultural regions, exploring both components of the region's economy and achieving their harmonious interaction. The proposed models, customized for specific agricultural production online, can become the basis for its digitalization and serve as a tool for ensuring efficiency and continuous sustainable development.
digital twin, identification, sustainable development, dynamic production models, industry 4.0, forecasting, agricultural production
PP. 93-102.
DOI 10.14357/20718632210409 References
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