E. R. Orlova, I.E. Bocharova, T. E. Kozenko, A. M. Fedotova The Main Trends of Digitalization in the Field of Healthcare
E. R. Orlova, I.E. Bocharova, T. E. Kozenko, A. M. Fedotova The Main Trends of Digitalization in the Field of Healthcare

In this article the authors regard possibilities of healthcare digital transformation development. The purpose of the study is to assess the results achieved in the field of digital healthcare and identify its key trends. Based on the analysis of the market of smart medical technologies and artificial intelligence, the growth rates and popularization of digital technology applications were revealed. The methods of graphical, horizontal and logical analysis, generalization and systematization of the data were used in the work.


healthcare, digitalization, medicine, artificial intelligence.

PP. 18-26.

DOI 10.14357/20718632230202

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