A. A. Zatsarinnyy, Yu. S. Ionenkov Information Technology Transfer: Features and Problems
A. A. Zatsarinnyy, Yu. S. Ionenkov Information Technology Transfer: Features and Problems

The article is devoted to the consideration of problematic issues of technology transfer of information systems (IS). The relevance of technology transfer development in modern conditions is shown. A brief analysis of the state of the issue in developed countries, especially in China, is given. The main forms of technology transfer implementation and the main regulatory documents regulating the technology transfer processes are considered. The features and problems of information technology transfer in Russia are noted. Proposals are formulated to improve the process of technology transfer in Russia.


information technology, technology transfer, technology transfer center, technology readiness level, technology rights.

PP. 3-12.

DOI 10.14357/20718632230301

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