M. V. Zingerenko, E. E. Limonova Layer"Wise Knowledge Distillation for Simplified Bipolar Morphological Neural Networks
M. V. Zingerenko, E. E. Limonova Layer"Wise Knowledge Distillation for Simplified Bipolar Morphological Neural Networks

Various neuron approximations can be used to reduce the computational complexity of neural networks. One such approximation based on summation and maximum operations is a bipolar morphological neuron. This paper presents an improved structure of the bipolar morphological neuron that enhances its computational efficiency and a new approach to training based on continuous approximations of the maximum and knowledge distillation. Experiments were conducted on the MNIST dataset using a LeNet-like neural network architecture and on the CIFAR10 dataset using a ResNet-22 model architecture. The proposed training method achieves 99.45% classification accuracy on the LeNet-like model, with the same accuracy of the classical network, and 86.69% accuracy on the ResNet-22 model, compared to 86.43% accuracy of the classical model. The results show that the proposed method with logsum-exp (LSE) approximation of the maximum and layer-by-layer knowledge distillation, allows for a simplified bipolar morphological network that is not inferior to classical networks.


bipolar morphological networks, approximations, artificial neural networks, computational efficiency.

PP. 46-54.

DOI 10.14357/20718632230305

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